Author: Richard

  • 2023 already?

    I’ve been a bit remiss on adding new images this year, and now it’s almost over! BUT.. the calendar is on it’s way. this year is a bit ‘Greatest hits’ with a few new items in.

    Unusually ‘ll be asking for donations to support my fundraising for the London Marathon, which I’m running in support of Parkinson’s UK.

  • It’s almost 2022..

    It’s almost 2022..

    So this year’s calendar is out. With images from around the garden (first half of the year) and from a few trips where we were allowed out later on!

  • Bit of a change around

    Bit of a change around

    Lockdown has been going so long, that labelling stuff as “things I did in lockdown” just doesn’t cut it any more. So I have re-organised a few things under the table “A new direction”. It sounds bit Star Wars like, but is just meant to convey the fact that I’m trying new techniques, rather than my default of Landscapes. Hopefully I can do some of them soon as well!

  • 2021 is here

    Which must mean a new Calendar… check it out under “Calendars” ..

  • Lockdown


    In common with the rest of the world, I’ve had more time on my hands than normal. Luckily I am still working, but without social meetings etc, I have had a lot more time to spend on photography.

    Visit the new page here to see what I have been up to.

    The way things are going, there may well be more to follow.

  • Dolomites

    A week’s walking holiday in the Dolomites really opened our eyes to the amazing scenery of the area. Based in Badia, we walked directly from the chalet most days, rights Ito stunning vistas. The weather helped too, although one day was especially windy. See more in the new Gallery!

  • And now I’ve added the best of the Slovenia trip!

    We had a great time with our friends in Slovenia under the tutelage of Niall Benvie.

  • A bit late…


    I have finally got round to adding the selection for the 2020 calendar.

  • Newfoundland gallery finally added!

    At last I got round to uploading my Newfoundland photos. Not sure there is much that’s very outstanding, but some nice ones none the less.

  • Quirpon



    Leaving St Anthony’s, we visited the site of the only known Norse settlement in North America at L’Anse aux Meadows. Getting there and back we saw more ice, including a berg in a bay that conveniently calved and rolled over for us.

    Then we set out for Quirpon (kar-poon) island, and it’s lighthouse Inn – the only occupied building on the whole island. We opted for the hike in to this magical location at the most northern point of Newfoundland. With Zodiac ride to see more ice, we watched and watched for whales…initially with no success, but patience was rewarded as we saw a few minke, and then a Mother humpback and her calf as the crossed the bay right in front of the lighthouse, and the calf had a bit of a play, rolling over and slapping it’s flipper. 

    Made some new friends as we shared our communal meals, and got about as unwound as unwound can get.